It's been a while since I posted my last blog entry. I guess it's time for a new one - this time no Gramps, though.
Over Easter I visited London for the first time in years. I did visit London when I was three years old but I'm afraid that doesn't really count as a real trip. So, after seeing London a couple of months ago, I fell in love with the city and its people. I love the busyness, the different kinds of people, the atmosphere but most of all, I love that most people are open-minded. No matter which part of London I went or whom I met, everyone was open for a chat and gave me the feeling of being welcome.
Plus, many people in London know how to dress and have their unique sense of fashion. Which is perfect for getting new impressions and be inspired by their looks.
Without a doubt, I knew that I had to come back to this unique city - and what better time to travel than during my semester break?
I wanted to travel alone, so that I could meet people there and do whatever I want to do. Plus, I wanted to improve my English speaking skills, due to the fact that there's a Youtube Channel in the works (10/10 would already
subscribe). I booked my flights, a hotel, hit some guys up and was mentally prepared for my stay in London. But as you know, things never come as you'd expect them. The week before
I left, a friend of mine told me that she knew a German girl that's currently attending school in London.
I hit her up and we ended up meeting on my first day in the city. Her name is Jana and she's from Frankfurt, Germany.
Luckily, we got along pretty good and with her I found someone to show me parts of the city, restaurants and pubs you wouldn't
normally see as an ordinary tourist.
So here are some recommendations:
If you go to London, you better not miss the breakfast at The Breakfast Club. The coffee there is top notch and the atmosphere and interior are great. Unfortunately, you are very likely to stand in queue to get inside but it's worth the wait - especially to see their "unique" fridge!
If you like unique designs and different vibes, check out the Magic Roundabout. It is located inside Old Street Tube Station and definitely not your average bar. The drinks are great, the staff is friendly and the location itself is super interesting.
Since I'm not used to stores like Harrods, Liberty or Selfridges in Germany, we had to check them out. I've never seen so many expensive items in one place and tbh I'm still amazed by that. So, if any luxury brand wants to sponsor me and my Gramps, feel free to hit us up - thanks.
Even if you don't have the money to buy most of the stuff (just like me) I'd still recommend going to one of the shops - just for the experience.
You should come to the Shoreditch/ Brick Lane area if you're more into vintage clothing and hipster-looking people (not in a negative way). The Vintage Market and various small stores offer a whole lot of vintage clothing and accessories for more or less good prices. Besides, there is also a fashion outlet store and a Slam City Skates store, where you can buy a skateboard that tops off your Supreme or Palace outfit (wow sk8erboi).
One evening we tried to paddle boat on The Serpentine in Hyde Park. You should try it out, it's a lot of fun! Unfortunately, we decided to go there just before dawn and when we arrived at the counter, they closed. If that happens to you as well and some group with a paddle boat descends at some random curb and asks if you'd want to get in...just make sure that the staff doesn't see you. Otherwise, your ride will be very short because your boat will be hooked up by a staff member and you'll be towed to the exit - a short but great experience nonetheless ;)
Besides seeing very few tourist attractions, we visited streetwear-shops, went to the recent Palace drop (I have never seen so many hypebeasts in one place), had some good meals and talked a lot of shit.

As the friend that introduced me to Jana, Hannah, came to London spontaneously, we had our group for daily get-togethers, taking pictures and beer .
As I came to London to take photos of not only the city, but also the people there, I chose two outfit-shots I really like. I forgot to ask for the first guys name or IG, but his look is great! (Let me know his IG, if you know him). The other one is Magnus Ronning whose outfit is nothing special but he's a nice guy. Plus, we still have to grab a coffee in the future, Magnus.
All in all, my one week trip to London was a blast! Even though I didn't really speak that much English and consequently couldn't really improve my speaking skills for the upcoming Youtube videos (you really should subscribe), I still had a lot on fun and met cool people there.
Huge thanks to Hannah and Jana for everything.
Oh yeah, one last thing...I used Uber for the first time in my life and had one of the best conversations ever with the driver. So whenever you're looking for an Uber in London and your driver is Bai Abi, get ready for a great conversation with a super nice guy.
I love you, London and I hope to be back soon.